Ranked in Newsweek’s list of Best Addiction Treatment Centers in Tennessee for 2024!

Synthetic Marijuana Addiction Rehab Center Serving Tennessee

Mirror Lake helps individuals struggling with synthetic marijuana abuse and co-occurring disorders build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Tennessee, Mirror Lake is the leading provider of adult rehab.

Learn More About Synthetic Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Learn More About Synthetic Marijuana Addiction Treatment at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

Synthetic marijuana is a poorly misunderstood psychoactive drug that puts users at risk for a wide range of physical and psychological damage. Also sometimes referred to as K2 and Spice, synthetic marijuana is not actually a form of marijuana. Instead, the term synthetic marijuana refers to several types of chemicals that are most commonly sprayed on dried plant material so that they can be ingested via smoking. Because the contents, quality, and potency of synthetic marijuana can vary from batch to batch, there is no way to ascertain what, exactly, a person is ingesting when he or she abuses this drug.

Though much remains to be discovered about synthetic marijuana, one fact is clear: Though this drug is often marketed as a safe or harmless substance, it poses very real dangers to individuals who choose to abuse it.

At Mirror Lake, we have decades of combined experience providing personalized rehab that helps people overcome the compulsion to abuse synthetic marijuana and other addictive substances. Our specialized programming is effective not only in alleviating the urge to engage in the continued abuse of synthetic marijuana, but also in helping men and women to make the changes that will empower them to live healthier and more productive lives, free from the constraints of chemical dependency. At Mirror Lake, we are uniquely prepared to guide individuals out of the darkness of addiction and into the warm light of a healthy drug-free future.

Steps to Help a Loved One

Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Synthetic Marijuana Abuse Treatment

When discovering that a loved one has been abusing synthetic marijuana, your fears about his or her health can be compounded your lack of information about the true dangers of this substance. This reaction is completely understandable, but it should not stop you from working to get your loved one the treatment that he or she needs.

Your first step when dealing with someone who has been abusing synthetic marijuana is to get the facts about this drug from a reliable source. Many people continue to disseminate misleading information about the safety of synthetic marijuana. Consult reputable organizations such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to get the truth.

Once you have a reasonable grasp on the issue that your loved one is facing, your next step should be to research the types of rehab or treatment that have helped others whose situations were similar to what your loved one is experiencing. When you have a clear picture of the type of care that is best suited to meeting your loved one’s needs, find programs that provide this level of treatment. Any reputable treatment program or rehab center will be happy to talk to you about its services, and if you are in the area, will welcome you to tour the facility and meet with program representatives.

It is not enough to have the answers that your loved one needs. You also have to determine how best to present this information to him or her. Talking to a person about his or her substance abuse can be a difficult challenge. Consult with experts, visit reputable websites, and educate yourself about how best to broach this subject in a manner that will minimize conflict and maximize the potential for positive solutions.

Offer practical support. Your loved one needs to know that you believe in him or her and that you support his or her efforts. But he or she will also need hands-on assistance with matters such as making appointments, arranging for transportation, securing childcare, and other logistics. Make sure that you are ready, willing, and able to provide this support.

When your loved one is in rehab, make every effort to remain an active positive presence in his or her life. Most addiction treatment centers offer some form of family support. Take advantage of these opportunities, both to address the impact that your loved one’s addiction has had on your life and to learn how best to support him or her after he or she completes rehab and returns home.

Do not lose sight of the fact that overcoming an addiction is a long-term process. Do not expect quick results, and do not be discouraged by the setbacks that will occur along the way. Continue to educate yourself about pertinent matters, and remain positive and supportive.  The road to recovery can be a rocky one at times, but your presence will help smooth out some of the bumps along the way.

Why Consider Treatment

Why Consider Treatment for Synthetic Marijuana Abuse at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

Synthetic marijuana abuse can inflict several forms of damage on an individual’s body and mind. High blood pressure, respiratory distress, irregular heart rate, and seizures have all been linked to the continued abuse of synthetic marijuana. Mental and psychological effects that have been associated with synthetic marijuana abuse include anxiety, hallucinations, and even psychosis. Perhaps most troubling is the fact that, due to the relative newness of synthetic marijuana, experts have not had the opportunity to study the devastation that can result from long-term use, or the duration of the damage that can result from short-term use. In other words, individuals who continue to abuse synthetic marijuana expose themselves to unknown harm that may occur with unknown severity. What is undeniable is that the compulsion to abuse synthetic marijuana or any other drug can overwhelm a person’s ability to function. When a person loses the ability to control his or her obsession with synthetic marijuana, he or she will be incapable of also maintaining healthy relationships, performing to expectation in school or at work, paying bills, and otherwise meeting the responsibilities that are associated with living a healthy and productive life. Fortunately, there are rehab centers that provide quality treatment for those struggling with the abuse of synthetic marijuana.

Types of Treatment

Types of Synthetic Marijuana Abuse Treatment Offered at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

Mirror Lake has been providing transformative rehab that has changed the lives of men and women who had been battling addiction. Located in Burns, Tennessee and situated on 75 peaceful acres of land, our center is one of the oldest rehab centers in the state, and has become known as a provider of high quality addiction treatment.

The tranquil setting in which rehab occurs at Mirror Lake is highly conducive to the recovery process, and we utilize only the most effective methods of treatment for our clients. The foundation of our rehab is the 12-Step philosophy, and we strive to help each person who is entrusted into our care to achieve a truly sober life, free from the grips of an addiction to synthetic marijuana. With the help of our staff of dedicated and credentialed professionals, which includes an addictionologist, a psychiatrist, therapists, case managers, nurses, and clinical technicians, men and women who choose to receive treatment at our rehab ceter become empowered to live healthier and happier lives, free from the chains of addiction.

With a license to operate as a sub-acute hospital, we are equipped to care for individuals with complicated medical histories and offer. Our 146-bed center offers a three-phase treatment program that includes detox, residential, and partial hospitalization programming. Depending on the individual needs of our clients, the following are among the elements that may be included into a client’s customized rehab plan while participating in treatment at Mirror Lake:

Medically monitored detoxification: When clients come to Mirror Lake addicted to certain substances, they may require detox prior to engaging in our residential programming. When this is the case, men and women benefit from our medical staff’s expertise during the process of withdrawal by receiving the treatment they need as their bodies are cleared of the harmful substances that cause their addictions. Mirror Lake employs various protocols for delivering detox services, and the particular protocol used will be dependent upon the type of addiction that a client is battling.

Medication management services: While in detox, clients may receive daily medication management services. Monitored by our psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and nurses, these services are also available on an as-needed basis to clients receiving treatment for synthetic marijuana when medication is deemed necessary to manage the symptoms of an addiction and/or mental illness.

Individual therapy: Intended to be intensive and brief, individual therapy sessions are scheduled for each patient on a weekly basis. Our expertly trained counselors work with clients one-on-one and assist them in establishing short-term goals, solving problems, and processing their addictions to substances such as synthetic marijuana. Additionally, if a client was seeing a counselor prior to admission, that counselor can participate in these sessions with the client’s consent.

Family therapy: In order to help clients repair and restructure their relationships with their loved ones, our center facilitates family therapy sessions on a weekly basis. These sessions take place on our campus here in Tennessee, and are led by our dedicated counselors to allow our clients, their family members, and other loved ones to heal together. By including these sessions as part of our rehab, we help our clients and those closest to them to move forward in a healthy and unified manner.

Family Program: Every Sunday, Mirror Lake is pleased to provide invaluable care and support to those in our clients’ primary support networks through our Family Program. This program, which allows family members and other loved ones to partake in therapeutic activities that emphasize family recovery, includes the following treatment methods:

  • Lecture series
  • Video tapes
  • Experiential exercises and conjoint groups
  • Shared meals
  • 12-Step based meetings
  • Non-denominational worship services

Group therapy: At Mirror Lake, we believe that there is much to be gained when men and women are able to support one another in a constructive and safe environment. Group therapy sessions provide forums in which clients are able to support and learn from one another, and are an important facet of the treatment we offer for an addiction to synthetic marijuana. The following are among the variety of groups that may be provided during an individual’s time in rehab at Mirror Lake:

  • Relapse prevention
  • Gender-specific groups
  • Living in Balance
  • Recovery principles

Experiential therapy: We believe that a holistic approach is the best method for treating individuals who are battling an addiction to synthetic marijuana. Part of our holistic approach includes the use of experiential therapies throughout rehab. The following types of experiential therapy may be included in a client’s personalized treatment plan:

  • Yoga
  • Art therapy

ReNew Program: Our faith-based program, ReNew, is for those men and women who would like to have their faith incorporated into their treatment. This program is available to any Mirror Lake client, and allows participants to strengthen their faith through the following activities:

  • Daily journaling
  • Daily worship and prayer
  • 12-Step meetings
  • Meeting with chaplains
  • Meditation
  • Celebrate recovery meetings
  • Bible study using Life Recovery Bible and workbook

During the admissions process, our staff will determine which of the above treatment methods will benefit you most, and will help you to meet your needs and goals. Throughout your time at Mirror Lake, treatment methods can be added if they will enhance your recovery process.

When you complete treatment at our rehab center, our dedicated staff will provide you with a detailed discharge plan that will outline the resources and additional treatment recommendations that will help you continue to be successful in your recovery from an addiction to synthetic marijuana. We want nothing more than to see our clients reach their treatment goals, and we a concerted effort to ensure that you will continue your recovery success long after leaving Mirror Lake.

At Mirror Lake, a new life, free from the grips of addiction, is on the horizon.  To learn more about how our rehab center can help you or someone you care about, call us today.