Ranked in Newsweek’s list of Best Addiction Treatment Centers in Tennessee for 2024!

Brief Psychotic Disorder Treatment Center Serving Tennessee

Mirror Lake helps individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring brief psychotic disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Tennessee, Mirror Lake is the leading provider of adult rehab.

Learn More About Brief Psychotic Disorder Treatment

Learn More About Brief Psychotic Disorder Treatment at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

Brief psychotic disorder is a potentially overwhelming mental health disorder that is characterized by temporary periods during which an individual experiences hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech patterns, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviors. Brief psychotic disorder can introduce considerable distress into a person’s life, including extreme confusion and emotional turmoil.

Marked by symptomatic episodes that typically last from a few days to a few weeks (not to exceed 30 days), brief psychotic disorder can have a profoundly negative impact on a person’s ability to participate in a normal healthy lifestyle. In severe cases, individuals who struggle with brief psychotic disorder may be incapable of feeding themselves or tending to their personal hygiene needs.

The distress and confusion of brief psychotic disorder can be magnified if the individual has been engaging in substance abuse, or if he or she begins to abuse alcohol or other drugs as a means of numbing his or her psychological pain. Regardless of what prompts the substance abuse, the result is likely to be catastrophic, exacerbating the existing symptoms and complicating the effort to regain one’s health. Thankfully, at an effective comprehensive rehab center such as Mirror Lake, skilled and dedicated treatment professionals are prepared to provide the specialized programming that can address a man or woman’s brief psychotic disorder while simultaneously helping him or her to overcome the compulsion to abuse alcohol or other psychoactive substances.

Steps to Help a Loved One

Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Brief Psychotic Disorder Treatment

Brief psychotic disorder can be distressing both to the individual who is afflicted with the symptoms and to those who care about or depend upon him or her. If someone that you love has developed brief psychotic disorder and is engaging in substance abuse as a means of dealing with this disorder, please do not allow your initial confusion or fears about the problem to preclude you from helping your loved one get the rehabilitation that he or she needs.

Most likely, your first steps will involve familiarizing yourself with the challenges that your loved one is facing. Visit reputable websites, speak with mental health experts, and/or consult with your family doctor to develop a basic understanding of brief psychotic disorder and to ensure that you also have a firm grasp on the ways that substance abuse can increase the danger.

Next, you will want to research the types of treatment that have helped others who were struggling with problems similar to what your loved one is going through. During this process, identify specific rehab centers that provide the type and level of care that your loved one needs, paying close attention to ensuring that the programs you are considering provide comprehensives services that can address both the brief psychotic disorder and the substance abuse. Contact the centers that appear to be best prepared to help your loved one, and arrange to tour the centers and meet with staff members.

At some point in this process, you will need to speak with your loved one about your concerns, and about the solutions that you have been researching. The manner in which you conduct this conversation will depend upon several factors, including the nature of your relationship with your loved one. If possible and practical, invite a small number of other friends or family members who can be relied upon to participate in a beneficial and constructive manner. Remember, this should be neither an intervention nor a confrontation; instead, the purpose of this conversation should be to let your loved one know that he or she has your continued support, but that he or she needs professional treatment.

Be sure to emphasize your compassion and empathy, and do not forget that your loved one is in crisis. The behaviors that you have previously noted are symptoms of a disorder or disorders that he or she may not understand or even be aware of. These disorders may also cause him or her to respond to your offers to help in a less-than-pleasant manner. This is not the time to make accusations, issue ultimatums, or otherwise put yourself in conflict with the person who you are trying to help.

When your loved one agrees to participate in rehab, understand that this is just one step in what may be a lifelong process. However, regardless of what your loved one experiences before, during, and after treatment, ensure that he or she has no reason to question your continued love and support.

Why Consider Treatment

Why Consider Treatment for Brief Psychotic Disorder at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

People who struggle with brief psychotic disorder and who attempt to self-medicate or otherwise deal with their symptoms through substance abuse are at risk for myriad immediate and long-term negative outcomes. First, the symptoms of brief psychotic disorder expose a person to physical and psychological harm. Depending upon the severity of these symptoms, a person may not be able to tend to his or her nutritional needs, may neglect to take medications or otherwise address ongoing health problems, and may endanger himself by engaging in reckless activities in response to confusion, delusions, and/or hallucinations. When an individual who has developed brief psychotic disorder abuses alcohol or other drugs, he or she may exacerbate the existing psychosis while also exposing himself or herself to damage as a direct result of the substance abuse. Depending upon the type of substance or substances that a person is abusing, this damage can include addiction, death from overdose, cognitive impairments, and a wide range of physical health problems. The combined impact of brief psychotic disorder and substance abuse can make it virtually impossible for a person to establish and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships, attend school, get and keep a job, and otherwise participate in the responsibilities and joys of a healthy life. However, with effective treatment from a recognized rehab center, past damage can be addressed, the risk of continued harm can be alleviated, and the individual can learn how to pursue a productive and much more satisfying future, free from both substance abuse and untreated brief psychotic disorder.

Types of Treatment

Types of Brief Psychotic Disorder Treatment Offered at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee

Mirror Lake, a premier addiction rehab center located in Burns, Tennessee, is one of the state’s longest standing providers of high quality care for men and women looking to recover from addiction and brief psychotic disorder. Offering a three-phase rehab experience that includes medically monitored detox, residential, and partial hospitalization programming, Mirror Lake has been able to help thousands of individuals achieve lasting sobriety.

The top-notch care we provide helps clients realize their capacity to change and grow. With the support of our staff, which includes an addictionologist, a psychiatrist, therapists, nurses, and clinical technicians, our clients are able benefit from our multifaceted treatment that is based on the 12-Step philosophy. Our 146-bed center is also licensed as a sub-acute hospital, which allows us to treat those with complex medical histories that other centers are not able to accommodate. Furthermore, we only utilize proven effective treatment methods and protocols so that each client will experience the most favorable rehabilitation outcomes.

In choosing Mirror Lake as the place to begin your rehab journey, you will receive a treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to your needs and goals. The following are among the components of care that our center provides, and are those that can be included in your personalized plan of treatment:

Medically monitored detoxification: In order to effectively participate in our residential programming, some Mirror Lake clients require detoxification services at the start of their rehab. Closely monitored by our medical staff, our center’s detoxification services allow clients to go through the process of withdrawal with minimal discomfort. Depending on the type of addiction that a client is grappling with, we will select the most appropriate detox protocol to meet his or her needs. Upon completion of detox, clients are then welcome to engage in the next phase of the recovery process.

Medication management services: When engaged in our center’s detox, residential, and partial hospitalization services, clients will receive daily medication management services supervised by our psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and nurses in the event they require relief from the symptoms of brief psychotic disorder, another mental illness, or an addiction.

Individual therapy: In order to help our clients process their addictions and any additional concerns, such as brief psychotic disorder, Mirror Lake includes individual therapy in its treatment programming. These sessions are held weekly and allow our clients to develop a therapeutic relationship with an assigned counselor. Short-term rehab goals can be established during sessions, and clients can hone their problem-solving and decision-making skills while navigating the recovery process. Furthermore, clients who were being treated by another counselor prior to starting treatment at Mirror Lake can grant consent to have their counselor participate in these sessions as well.

Family therapy: The process of recovering from an addiction and brief psychotic disorder can be more successful when an individual has the support of loved ones. At Mirror Lake Recovery Center, we want to help our clients repair and restructure their relationships with those closest to them and do so by offering weekly family therapy sessions. These sessions are located at our rehab center in Burns, TN, and are led by our devoted counselors who help families heal from the damage addiction and brief psychotic disorder have caused.

Family Program: Mirror Lake recognizes that addiction has the capacity to affect more than just the person who is abusing substances. For this reason, we are proud to offer a Family Program each Sunday so that those closest to our clients can benefit from the following methods of treatment:  

  • Shared meals
  • 12-Step based meetings
  • Non-denominational worship services
  • Video tapes
  • Lecture series
  • Experiential exercises and conjoint groups

Group therapy: Covering topics and issues identified by our clients or our counselors, group therapy is an integral part of the rehab we supply. Taking place multiple times per day, group therapy allows clients to gain insight and support from others who have walked similar paths. The following groups are among those that have enabled the men and women of Mirror Lake to learn new skills, gain a better understanding of addiction and recovery, and develop the confidence in knowing that lasting recovery from addiction and brief psychotic disorder is possible:    

  • Recovery Principles
  • Living in Balance
  • Relapse prevention
  • Gender-specific groups

Experiential therapy: When a person comes to Mirror Lake battling an addiction and brief psychotic disorder, he or she can greatly benefit from our holistic approach to treatment. Experiential therapy, which helps clients to understand the mind-body connection, is part of this approach and includes the following activities:

  • Art therapy
  • Yoga

ReNew Program: Mirror Lake is pleased to offer a Christian approach to addiction treatment. For those who are interested in strengthening their faith while on the road to recovery, our ReNew Program supplies treatment that is grounded in Christianity. When partaking in this program, clients can benefit from the following while at our center:   

  • Meeting with chaplains
  • Meditation
  • Celebrate recovery meetings
  • Bible study using Life Recovery Bible and workbook
  • Daily journaling
  • Daily worship and prayer
  • 12-Step meetings

The above types of treatment can be included in each of our clients’ personalized treatment plans. In choosing to come to our rehab center for treatment for a co-occurring brief psychotic disorder, you or the person you care about will learn which treatment methods will be most beneficial in terms of meeting your or your loved one’s needs and goals. Furthermore, upon completion of treatment at Mirror Lake Recovery Center, you or your loved one will receive a thorough discharge plan that will detail the recommendations and resources needed to ensure that recovery is lasting.

With an unparalleled dedication to helping men and women reclaim their lives from addiction, Mirror Lake is prepared to help you come to know a life that is no longer dictated by addiction and brief psychotic disorder. Let us help you realize your healthier tomorrow, today.